This is B, my Biggest Person. He is the action kid, the sportsman, the life of the party, the one who occasionally forgets the boundaries of socially acceptable enthusiasm in his quest to constantly be on the go!
This picture was taken last month in Denmark, on the south coast of WA. The weather was unseasonably toasty and delicious, but the water was FREEZING! No worries for B, give him water, he's in fish mode! As my other 2 kids and myself sat shivering on the wet sand, he frolicked in the ocean, climbing about the rocks like a crab. Insane? Very possibly, but I love his spirit, his boundless energy and his very big heart.

M is my middle child, and official mini-me. He is the gentle soul, the deep thinker, the gourmet chef, wannabe architect and utter bookworm. I was told by friends and strangers alike from the time he was about 2 months old that this was a unique child, and this is proving more and more true every day. I feel he has struggled a bit in being so incredibly different from his larger-than-life big brother, but is now really coming to find his own little niche in the world.
He shares my love of books, and even of fantasy books (we heart magic!) and I love being able to dicuss our latest favourites in excruciating detail between chopping veggies and stirring concoctions on the stove.

And then we have Miss Z. Charmer of all-she-meets, bearer of big-blue-eyes, and more attitude than you swing a cat at! Miss Z has the knack of reducing her mother to a quivering jelly-like mass of self-doubt and sheer terror while those others who know her refuse to admit she's anything but charming, pliable and serene! I love her gutsiness, her confidence, her never-ending supply of drama-queen facial expressions and the fact that she calls me both Mama and Dada indescriminately. This child was meant for the stage!
So there you have it. This is my family, my source of delight as well as wrinkles and grey hairs, and the most important people in my life. It's funny, they've been a bit cheeky today, and I've been a bit short with them, but writing this out has simply blown all that away just leaving me with the good stuff... those warm fuzzies of motherhood :-)
1 comment:
HI J ;)
You outed yourself on EB today, lol maybe I am slow but to me anyway...
Just to let you know that the link to your business website is not working, it's missing the!
have a great evening, chat soon,
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