To sum up the beginning of J&D's wedding day last weekend I think the words "It Rained" would have to come into it.
I was at the wedding reception venue around 10:30am setting out all the place cards, bombonniere etc. and a storm front came through that literally had the roof and windows of the venue rattling and shaking. Zoe (my dedicated assistant) completely lost the plot and insisted on being physically attached to my leg for the duration of the storm, so I kind of gave up on what I was doing and just sat and enjoyed the show for 20 minutes or so.
Once the worst of the thunder had passed and I managed to locate the light switch for the room, we finished up setting out all the final touches and then had to head out to pick up a few other items. I can't believe how flooded the roads were from such a brief downpour! Still, through rain, sun hail etc. as I believe the saying goes...
Once we had the final touches it was back to the reception venue for a final check. Good thing we did, too, because the function staff had just set out all the wrong cutlery for the menu, were missing a place setting on one table and had mysteriously left off water glasses from assorted seats. Hmmmmmmm.
Then it was off to the church for a check that the flowers and bows had survived the night, and that all was well for the ceremony. I had never been to this church before so, once I managed to actually find it, it was a pleasant surprise to see what a beautiful little place it is! There was one stained glass window in particular at the back of the church that was absolutely gorgeous! The bows were all still snugly in place, and flowers looking stunning, so nothing more was needed here.
Fortunately the weather brightened up considerably during the afternoon, so by the time we returned to the reception venue just prior to the pre-dinner drinks, the roads were all dried out. I met the lady who had done all the flowers when I got there - she had just come early to bring the church flowers across to the reception room. I don't envy her that job - those big arrangements are scary to shift!!
Anyway, I waited until the staff had put out all the wine, candles were lit, the background music was playing and the bride's family had arrived and then Miss Z and I were out of there, leaving them to their celebration.
I wasn't even sure if I really needed that final check, but again, was glad I did, as the staff were putting out chilled bottles of white wine on the tables at 5:30pm, with no ice buckets and the guests weren't going to be sitting down until 7:00pm. WT? I don't know about you, but personally I like my white wine COLD, not tepid!
I thank J&D for letting me be a part of their special day, and can't wait to see the pictures! Oh, ok, I guess I can wait until you get back from the honeymoon!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Wedding Reading of the Day

What is Love?
Love is looking out in the same direction. It is linking our strength to pull a common load. It is pushing together towards the far horizons, hand in hand.
Love is knowing that when our strength falters, we can borrow the strength of someone who cares. Love is a strange awareness that our sorrows will be shared and made lighter by sharing; that joys will be enriched and multiplied by the joy of another.
Love is knowing someone else cares that we are not alone in life.
Walter Rinder
Random ramblings
I've been slack this week with posting here, I know that. It's just been a bit of a slack week all round! Miss Z has had gastro for the last 2 days, so she, I and the washing machine are all exhausted. She's back to her chirpy self today, so all is well. Wish I could say the same for the washing maching, but it's making some strange noises. Rebellion, I suspect.
It's pissing down with rain (again) so I'm thinking it's soup time. I want to share the recipe for my favouritest soup in the universe just because I want to share the love!!
Butternut pumpkin (as much as you want)
Red Thai chilli paste (homemade much, much better)
Onion, chillies, garlic and coriander (as much as you want)
Olive oil
Stock (chicken or veggie, whatever floats your boat)
1 tin coconut milk
- Peel the pumpkin and cut into large chunks
- Drizzle lightly with olive oil, s&p if you like it and roast in oven for around 20 minutes
- While this is roasting, chop up the onions, chillies, garlic and the roots of the coriander together with the chilli paste and stir fry in large pot until soft.
- Add pumpkin when roasted, and stir around for a bit to coat and mush all the yumminess together.
- Add stock to cover and simmer until it goes even mushier, I usually do it for 30 - 60 minutes on low.
- Let it cool a wee bit and whizz the crap out of it with a bamix until relatively smooth, but not too smooth, as a few chunky bits are yummo.
- Return to heat, add coconut milk and re-heat, but try not to let it boil or the coconut milk can go wonky.
Serve with toasted garlic Turkish bread and eat until full.
Repeat until no soup left.
I often make a huge vat of this stuff at the weekend and live on it for most of the week!
OK, so there's a soup recipe. What else shall I ramble about? Oh, I know. I meant to post this other favourite picture of Miss Z the other day but couldn't find which file it was buried in. Now I've found it so here you go...

Well, the kitchen is screaming at me to please clean it up and then make soup in it, so that's it for now. I found some great wedding readings online last night, so will share them later.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Some of my favourite small person pics
I have all these old pictures of the kids, and some of them are so special to me, not to mention cuter than a very cute thing, so I may as well proudly display some of my favourites!
This is one of Miss Z, taken when she was probably around 3 months old. She is STILL ridiculously photogenic, and puts her mother to utter shame in this regard. Oh well, I prefer to be BEHIND the camera anyway!

This is one of Miss Z, taken when she was probably around 3 months old. She is STILL ridiculously photogenic, and puts her mother to utter shame in this regard. Oh well, I prefer to be BEHIND the camera anyway!
This is another one I have framed on the wall. It's taken at Easter 2005, so Miss Z would have been about 8 months old, M was 6 and B a mature 8 years old.

Money saving Wedding Tip of the Day

Thank you for the music...
DJ's aren't cheap, and neither should they be, because there's a heck of a lot of time and effort goes into providing great music at a wedding, researching the playlist and generally 'reading' the crowd on the night to try and keep 17 year old hip-hop mad cousin Matt and Great-Grandma equally happy with the selection. They also have to constantly update their music and equipment to keep up to date.
So hats off to the wedding DJ's of the world. You guys do a great job! (just, as a personal favour to me, do you think you could manage to lose every single copy of "The Chicken Dance" and "The Macarena" currently existing in Australia? Thanks, appreciate it.)
Having said that, if you, like most people, are planning your wedding on a budget, then you want to save a few dollars wherever you can. One way to do this is to hire the DJ for a shorter period of time, just to cover the time when you are actually planning on hitting the dance floor.
During the sit down dinner part of the reception (if this is what you're having, obviously) then background music is really all you need, and this can easily be taken care of with either a few mixed CD's or a personalised playlist on your iPod, all plugged into the venue's sound system.
Obviously if the venue doesn't have a sound system of any kind then this won't work for you, but if they do, why not ask if you can provide your own music during pre-dinner drinks and dinner, and have the DJ take over when it's time for serious dancing.
Just remember that if you go for this option you will need to make your own arrangements for a microphone and PA system for speeches, however most venues will be able to supply this for you at no extra charge.
Wedding Reading of the Day

Today's reading is taken from “The Art of a Good Marriage”, by Wilferd Arlan Peterson
"A good marriage must be created. In marriage the "little" things are the big things.
It is never being too old to hold hands.
It is remembering to say, ”I love you" at least once a day.
It is never going to sleep angry.
It is having a mutual sense of values, and common objectives.
It is standing together and facing the world.
It is forming a circle that gathers in the whole family.
It is speaking words of appreciation, and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways.
It is having the capacity to forgive and forget.
It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow.
It is a common search for the good and the beautiful.
It is not only marrying the right person -- it is being the right partner."
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wedding Reading of the Day
I'm going to keep this one short and to the point, given my current sleep-deprived state.
The following is from the I Ching, and I love it so much I've posted it on the front page of my business website.
The following is from the I Ching, and I love it so much I've posted it on the front page of my business website.
"When two people are at one
in their inmost hearts
They shatter even the strength of iron
or of bronze;
And when two people understand each other
in their inmost hearts
Their words are sweet and strong
like the fragrance of orchids."
Taken from the I Ching
Sick kids.
Need I say more? Well, actually, for my own sanity, yes, I do!
Poor little Miss Z has a nasty cold. It's not that bad, and she's not miserable or feverish, it's just your common cold, but it has led to sleep deprivation of the worst kind - like 3 nights in a row.
I do so love co-sleeping with my littlest little person, really I do. I can't sleep properly on the rare occasions she ends up either in her own room or with one of her brothers, but 3 nights in a row now of coughing, spluttering, tossing and turning, sniffing, snorting, dribbling, whinging and other acts of non-sleep are taking their toll.
Z is fine! She sleeps through the above noises she's making with the greatest of ease. Sadly, I don't. Those worried-mama vibes just seem to be attuned to the slightest movement, the slightest noise.
The obvious solution is to put her in her own room for a night or two, I realise that, but this soppy mummy can't bring herself to evict a sick child to a cold, soulless, comfortless room... OMG, listen to yourself, T! PUT THE CHILD IN HER OWN ROOM TONIGHT!
I know I won't.
*Yawn* Contemplating a nap now...
Need I say more? Well, actually, for my own sanity, yes, I do!
Poor little Miss Z has a nasty cold. It's not that bad, and she's not miserable or feverish, it's just your common cold, but it has led to sleep deprivation of the worst kind - like 3 nights in a row.
I do so love co-sleeping with my littlest little person, really I do. I can't sleep properly on the rare occasions she ends up either in her own room or with one of her brothers, but 3 nights in a row now of coughing, spluttering, tossing and turning, sniffing, snorting, dribbling, whinging and other acts of non-sleep are taking their toll.
Z is fine! She sleeps through the above noises she's making with the greatest of ease. Sadly, I don't. Those worried-mama vibes just seem to be attuned to the slightest movement, the slightest noise.
The obvious solution is to put her in her own room for a night or two, I realise that, but this soppy mummy can't bring herself to evict a sick child to a cold, soulless, comfortless room... OMG, listen to yourself, T! PUT THE CHILD IN HER OWN ROOM TONIGHT!
I know I won't.
*Yawn* Contemplating a nap now...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wedding Reading of the Day
Time for a new category!
A wedding ceremony is a very special and personal occasion, and it can be difficult to find appropriate readings or poems which a couple feels truly reflects their views and feelings.
I'm a sucker for soppy poetry, so have been researching some of the most popular readings for wedding ceremonies, both religious and non-religious and will start posting them here.
The following passage is taken from "The Rainbow", by D.H. Lawrence
"Was his life nothing? Had he nothing to show, no work? He did not count his work, anybody could have done it. What had he known, but the long marital embrace with his wife! Curious, that this was what his life amounted to! At any rate, it was something, it was eternal. He would say so to anybody, and be proud of it. He lay with his his wife in his arms and she was still his fulfilment, just the same as ever. And that was the be-all and the end-all. Yes, and he was proud of it."
A wedding ceremony is a very special and personal occasion, and it can be difficult to find appropriate readings or poems which a couple feels truly reflects their views and feelings.
I'm a sucker for soppy poetry, so have been researching some of the most popular readings for wedding ceremonies, both religious and non-religious and will start posting them here.
The following passage is taken from "The Rainbow", by D.H. Lawrence
"Was his life nothing? Had he nothing to show, no work? He did not count his work, anybody could have done it. What had he known, but the long marital embrace with his wife! Curious, that this was what his life amounted to! At any rate, it was something, it was eternal. He would say so to anybody, and be proud of it. He lay with his his wife in his arms and she was still his fulfilment, just the same as ever. And that was the be-all and the end-all. Yes, and he was proud of it."
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Money saving Wedding Tip of the Day
Today's tip on not blowing the budget entirely is to consider the items you can DIY, and there are many!
If you're the crafty type, then the sky's the absolute limit when it comes to options for wedding stationery. Get yourself a decent printer, visit one of the many suppliers of specialist papers and go nuts. Friends who scrapbook will have some fantastic ideas on both design and where to find papers and accessories to match your theme. Table menus can double as name cards if you print the guest name at the top, and are a very affordable way to add to your guest tables' colour themes. Don't just stop at papers, either. Ribbon, lace, sparky bits, stick on stuff (can you tell I gave up scrapbooking after the 1st month?) etc. will all add an elegant and personal touch to your creations.
Invitations / table menus / place cards / orders of service
(aka "stationery", not to be, but often is, confused with "stationary")
If you're the crafty type, then the sky's the absolute limit when it comes to options for wedding stationery. Get yourself a decent printer, visit one of the many suppliers of specialist papers and go nuts. Friends who scrapbook will have some fantastic ideas on both design and where to find papers and accessories to match your theme. Table menus can double as name cards if you print the guest name at the top, and are a very affordable way to add to your guest tables' colour themes. Don't just stop at papers, either. Ribbon, lace, sparky bits, stick on stuff (can you tell I gave up scrapbooking after the 1st month?) etc. will all add an elegant and personal touch to your creations.
(If I EVER spell that word correctly I'll be amazed. I've seen about 812 different variations, which is odd considering it's so few letters!)
Here's another area you can get up close and personal with. The traditional wedding favour consists of 5 sugared almonds, all wrapped up in a cute little tulle bag with a ribbon. These almonds are meant to represent happiness, health, wealth, fertility and long life. Wow. Cool! If, like me, your teeth run away screaming at the thought of sugared almonds, however, there are many, many other options out there. Some I've seen include silver momentos (key chains, compact mirrors, mini photo frames), stubby holders (useful, but don't always look so good on the guest tables), CD's (often flagrantly violation copyright laws, by the way), jars of lollies (you can get these cool ones personalised with your initials or names) and flowers or plants, just to name a few.
One of the loveliest ideas I've ever seen was Australian native seedlings planted in handpainted mini terracotta pots. Each pot had been painted in colours to match the overall theme, with the bride and groom's name and the wedding date. A tiny name tag on a ribbon was attached to each one, so they doubled as place cards as well. Call on those ever-patient (and hopefully crafty) bridesmaids to lend a hand with the painting process, but be nice, at least provide them with some decent champagne and nibbles to help ease the monotony and inevitable hand cramps of painting the words "Dick & Jane, August 2008" 47 times in succession!
Now, unless you have a family member of close friend who has professional florist training, or incredible natural talent in this area I'd tend to steer clear of DIY flowers, as the ending result can sometimes be very amateur looking, but there are lots of other centrepiece ideas which don't involve flowers.
Mirrors, shells, glass pebbles, vases and lanterns, candles, leaves or petals, coloured water, and even goldfish can all be used to great effect. Once you come up with an idea you like, try contacting some decorating and florist wholesalers to buy in bulk and save the $$. Even if your heart is set on floral centrepieces you can save money by sourcing your own vases, and add your own touches in addition to the flowers with tealight candles, coloured sprinkles - anything at all!
A popular custom is to write the name of one special guest at each table, who may be a particular friend, or have helped out in some special way with the wedding plans, and ask that they take the centrepiece home as a thank you. Just remember that if you do this, you'll need to provide your own vases, otherwise you'll be in for a hefty bill from your florist!
IMPORTANT FOOTNOTE - if you go for the goldfish option, please remind your guests that, no matter how intoxicated they may become, you will NOT consider it amusing for the fish to be swallowed whole with a large bourbon and coke, and that any offenders will be prosecuted to the full extent of animal welfare legislation!
There are many other money-saving DIY tips, but as I seem to have committed to providing a tip per day, I'd better not post any more for now otherwise I'll have run out of material by June.
Happy Planning :-)
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mummies, expecting Mummies and wannabe Mummies out there!
I have been well loved today. I awoke to the rather terrifying sound of pots and pans clashing in the kitchen, with not-so-well hushed stage whispers of the boys arguing about who was making what, and how it should all be done.
A short time later my bedroom door opened and in came my two beautiful boys with a tray of breakfast (scrambled eggs, bacon and oj), some beautiful handmade cards and a bunch of flowers. Teary much? I grabbed for the camera (stragetically left next to the bed last night on the offchance I may need it) only to find the batteries dead. D'OH! Oh well, that's what mobile phones are for, right? Snapped a shot with the mobile, and as much as I'd love to share it with you, I have no freaking idea how to upload it from my mobile!
Eggs and Bacon was merely the first course, my friends, there were pancakes and coffee to follow! For someone who doesn't often actually eat breakfast at all, I scoffed the lot. Funny how food made by someone else just tastes so-o-o-o-o much better!
We've since been round to visit my mum, and are now back home just chilling out.
I thought I'd share the poem 11 year old B wrote for me in his card, because it had me in stitches!
You're the best Mum Ever!
You will do it in any weather
You make our lives perfect
And it's really really worth it!
You help me when I'm feeling sad
Mad or even Bad
You help me when I'm down and blue
and that's just some of the reasons
Why I Love You!
I hope you have the best Mother's Day ever! And be spoiled all day like Brekky-in-bed, a night out to Brilliant 5 star accomodation, Restaurants + Hotels. All in 1 day? You betcha!
And if that's too much you don't have to because it's Mother's Day! You do what you want, where and when you want it and how you want it. All day, ok now I'm jealous.
Love B"
I think he's been watching too much Getaway or something!!
*Sigh* I do love these kids. Now to get them to finish cleaning up the kitchen after their gourmet extravaganza this morning...
I have been well loved today. I awoke to the rather terrifying sound of pots and pans clashing in the kitchen, with not-so-well hushed stage whispers of the boys arguing about who was making what, and how it should all be done.
A short time later my bedroom door opened and in came my two beautiful boys with a tray of breakfast (scrambled eggs, bacon and oj), some beautiful handmade cards and a bunch of flowers. Teary much? I grabbed for the camera (stragetically left next to the bed last night on the offchance I may need it) only to find the batteries dead. D'OH! Oh well, that's what mobile phones are for, right? Snapped a shot with the mobile, and as much as I'd love to share it with you, I have no freaking idea how to upload it from my mobile!
Eggs and Bacon was merely the first course, my friends, there were pancakes and coffee to follow! For someone who doesn't often actually eat breakfast at all, I scoffed the lot. Funny how food made by someone else just tastes so-o-o-o-o much better!
We've since been round to visit my mum, and are now back home just chilling out.
I thought I'd share the poem 11 year old B wrote for me in his card, because it had me in stitches!
You're the best Mum Ever!
You will do it in any weather
You make our lives perfect
And it's really really worth it!
You help me when I'm feeling sad
Mad or even Bad
You help me when I'm down and blue
and that's just some of the reasons
Why I Love You!
I hope you have the best Mother's Day ever! And be spoiled all day like Brekky-in-bed, a night out to Brilliant 5 star accomodation, Restaurants + Hotels. All in 1 day? You betcha!
And if that's too much you don't have to because it's Mother's Day! You do what you want, where and when you want it and how you want it. All day, ok now I'm jealous.
Love B"
I think he's been watching too much Getaway or something!!
*Sigh* I do love these kids. Now to get them to finish cleaning up the kitchen after their gourmet extravaganza this morning...
Saturday, May 10, 2008
RIP Dummy
We've had the proverbial blood, sweat and more tears than I can count on this one, but Miss Z seems to have finally accepted the departure of the Dummy, taken from this house last Sunday night by the Dummy Fairy, to be (washed over and over) passed on to some poor wee baby who has no dummy to call their own.
Oh, and what a week it's been. The Big Decision to put in the SMS to the Dummy Fairy Hotline was made quite easily about an hour before bedtime. Miss Z seemed quietly confident in her decision, snuggled up to me happily at sleeptime and off she went to the Land of Nod with not a D-word in sight. God Bless co-sleeping, by the way, I don't think this would have worked at all if we didn't have each other to cuddle in the darkest hour of the dummy-less night!
Day Two, or, as I like to call it affectionately, Armageddon, wasn't quite so love and roses. Oh no. We weren't happy with the Dummy Fairy at all. We called her some quite rude names, some of which made Mummy blush and reconsider her liberal approach to venting road rage openly in front of the children! I believe at one point we HATED the DF, who STOLE our dummy and who gives a flying %&*^ about the poor wee babies with no dummies to call their own - let them SUFFER and their parents should buy them their own anyway, because they're just MEAN to take ours....
You get the picture.
Several glasses of wine and many, many cuddles later, Miss Z sobbed herself to sleep, shuddering with every breath with snot and tears smearing all over my crispy clean 1000 thread count white pillowcase...
Deep breath. She's asleep. Everything else is meaningless.
Well, we're now on Day Six. She hasn't slept before 10:00pm any night since then, and is, as I type this, awake watching the Golden Compass with her brothers (I don't even want to know what the three of them are doing to my 1000 thread count sheets, as I know I saw someone furtively smuggling in a banana about an hour ago) but there is silence and, this is as much as I can ask for , having cruelly deprived my beloved daughter of her D-U-M-M-Y.
Oh, and on that, WTF did I think that spelling it out would mean that she didn't know what I was talking about? She's known what D-U-M-M-Y means since around the age of 20 months. *sigh* Sometimes us mums can be a bit dense.
The screams, tantrums and defiant poses have continued all week, lessing in their ferocity ever-so-slightly each night. Tonight we had a doozy of a floor show as I was cleaning the kitchen, but I'm going to put that down to her natural feminine aversion to housework, as I'm SURE she has to be over the dummy thing by now.
Anyway, with my trusty glass of wine at my side, I'd like to raise a cyber-toast to that mythical and all-powerful being, the Goddess of Straight Teeth, the Dummy Fairy. Let the dearly departed dummy bring hours of peace and tranquility to some other family. And let them ditch the bloody thing well before the child's 3rd birthday.
Oh yeah, and wash it really, really, really well. God only knows where that thing has been!!
RIP Dummy,
Oh, and what a week it's been. The Big Decision to put in the SMS to the Dummy Fairy Hotline was made quite easily about an hour before bedtime. Miss Z seemed quietly confident in her decision, snuggled up to me happily at sleeptime and off she went to the Land of Nod with not a D-word in sight. God Bless co-sleeping, by the way, I don't think this would have worked at all if we didn't have each other to cuddle in the darkest hour of the dummy-less night!
Day Two, or, as I like to call it affectionately, Armageddon, wasn't quite so love and roses. Oh no. We weren't happy with the Dummy Fairy at all. We called her some quite rude names, some of which made Mummy blush and reconsider her liberal approach to venting road rage openly in front of the children! I believe at one point we HATED the DF, who STOLE our dummy and who gives a flying %&*^ about the poor wee babies with no dummies to call their own - let them SUFFER and their parents should buy them their own anyway, because they're just MEAN to take ours....
You get the picture.
Several glasses of wine and many, many cuddles later, Miss Z sobbed herself to sleep, shuddering with every breath with snot and tears smearing all over my crispy clean 1000 thread count white pillowcase...
Deep breath. She's asleep. Everything else is meaningless.
Well, we're now on Day Six. She hasn't slept before 10:00pm any night since then, and is, as I type this, awake watching the Golden Compass with her brothers (I don't even want to know what the three of them are doing to my 1000 thread count sheets, as I know I saw someone furtively smuggling in a banana about an hour ago) but there is silence and, this is as much as I can ask for , having cruelly deprived my beloved daughter of her D-U-M-M-Y.
Oh, and on that, WTF did I think that spelling it out would mean that she didn't know what I was talking about? She's known what D-U-M-M-Y means since around the age of 20 months. *sigh* Sometimes us mums can be a bit dense.
The screams, tantrums and defiant poses have continued all week, lessing in their ferocity ever-so-slightly each night. Tonight we had a doozy of a floor show as I was cleaning the kitchen, but I'm going to put that down to her natural feminine aversion to housework, as I'm SURE she has to be over the dummy thing by now.
Anyway, with my trusty glass of wine at my side, I'd like to raise a cyber-toast to that mythical and all-powerful being, the Goddess of Straight Teeth, the Dummy Fairy. Let the dearly departed dummy bring hours of peace and tranquility to some other family. And let them ditch the bloody thing well before the child's 3rd birthday.
Oh yeah, and wash it really, really, really well. God only knows where that thing has been!!
RIP Dummy,
... my little people, all too quickly turning into my big people!
This picture was taken last month in Denmark, on the south coast of WA. The weather was unseasonably toasty and delicious, but the water was FREEZING! No worries for B, give him water, he's in fish mode! As my other 2 kids and myself sat shivering on the wet sand, he frolicked in the ocean, climbing about the rocks like a crab. Insane? Very possibly, but I love his spirit, his boundless energy and his very big heart.

And then we have Miss Z. Charmer of all-she-meets, bearer of big-blue-eyes, and more attitude than you swing a cat at! Miss Z has the knack of reducing her mother to a quivering jelly-like mass of self-doubt and sheer terror while those others who know her refuse to admit she's anything but charming, pliable and serene! I love her gutsiness, her confidence, her never-ending supply of drama-queen facial expressions and the fact that she calls me both Mama and Dada indescriminately. This child was meant for the stage!
This is B, my Biggest Person. He is the action kid, the sportsman, the life of the party, the one who occasionally forgets the boundaries of socially acceptable enthusiasm in his quest to constantly be on the go!
This picture was taken last month in Denmark, on the south coast of WA. The weather was unseasonably toasty and delicious, but the water was FREEZING! No worries for B, give him water, he's in fish mode! As my other 2 kids and myself sat shivering on the wet sand, he frolicked in the ocean, climbing about the rocks like a crab. Insane? Very possibly, but I love his spirit, his boundless energy and his very big heart.

M is my middle child, and official mini-me. He is the gentle soul, the deep thinker, the gourmet chef, wannabe architect and utter bookworm. I was told by friends and strangers alike from the time he was about 2 months old that this was a unique child, and this is proving more and more true every day. I feel he has struggled a bit in being so incredibly different from his larger-than-life big brother, but is now really coming to find his own little niche in the world.
He shares my love of books, and even of fantasy books (we heart magic!) and I love being able to dicuss our latest favourites in excruciating detail between chopping veggies and stirring concoctions on the stove.

And then we have Miss Z. Charmer of all-she-meets, bearer of big-blue-eyes, and more attitude than you swing a cat at! Miss Z has the knack of reducing her mother to a quivering jelly-like mass of self-doubt and sheer terror while those others who know her refuse to admit she's anything but charming, pliable and serene! I love her gutsiness, her confidence, her never-ending supply of drama-queen facial expressions and the fact that she calls me both Mama and Dada indescriminately. This child was meant for the stage!
So there you have it. This is my family, my source of delight as well as wrinkles and grey hairs, and the most important people in my life. It's funny, they've been a bit cheeky today, and I've been a bit short with them, but writing this out has simply blown all that away just leaving me with the good stuff... those warm fuzzies of motherhood :-)
Visit me on Facebook!
This networking thing can be a bit of a runaway train, can't it?
As a completely and utterly devoted Facebook addict, it seems only reasonable to get into some blatant self-promotional activities there as well as here (and anywhere else that will have me).
If you're another Facebook tragic, please feel freel to look up Juno Weddings & Events's page and yes, you can become my fan. Aren't you special? I naturally want to do the right thing by my adoring fans, and so will happy do the same in return if you have a page you'd like promoted on Facebook - just post the link and I shall come and worship at your page on a regular basis.
Wow. I remember when there were no mobile phones, no internet, no networking on a global basis at all! There is so much on offer now, so many ways to keep in touch. I love it, as I now live on the other side of the planet from where I grew up, so it means so much to be able to click a button and receive daily updates on the lives of all my friends. Awwwwww.. can you feel the love?
Hope to see ya 'round Facebook soon!
As a completely and utterly devoted Facebook addict, it seems only reasonable to get into some blatant self-promotional activities there as well as here (and anywhere else that will have me).
If you're another Facebook tragic, please feel freel to look up Juno Weddings & Events's page and yes, you can become my fan. Aren't you special? I naturally want to do the right thing by my adoring fans, and so will happy do the same in return if you have a page you'd like promoted on Facebook - just post the link and I shall come and worship at your page on a regular basis.
Wow. I remember when there were no mobile phones, no internet, no networking on a global basis at all! There is so much on offer now, so many ways to keep in touch. I love it, as I now live on the other side of the planet from where I grew up, so it means so much to be able to click a button and receive daily updates on the lives of all my friends. Awwwwww.. can you feel the love?
Hope to see ya 'round Facebook soon!
Money saving Wedding Tip of the Day
With wedding cakes costing a bloody fortune these days, why not make the most of your investment and have the cake plated and served as dessert, thereby saving you money on your reception menu.
While fruitcake remains the traditional choice, mud cake, sponge cake, marbled cake or any combination of the above for each layer is becoming more and more popular with today's bridal couples.
The chef will, for a small fee per person, take the cake away after the cake cutting ceremony, cut it up and serve it with a delicious swirl of fruit coulis and cream.
Just remember that if you want to go with the tradition of saving the top layer for either the first wedding anniversary or the christening of the first child, you will need to have at least this layer as a fruitcake, because mudcake won't last long in the freezer no matter how nicely you ask it to!!
Another money saving wedding cake tip is to have a smaller, yet beautifully decorated cake for display and for the cake cutting, and have your cake maker make a simple iced slab of the same, called a "kitchen cake" for the chefs to cut and serve along with your display cake. It will save you money, and your guests will never know the difference!
Mmmmm, cake. I think it might be time for a snack...
While fruitcake remains the traditional choice, mud cake, sponge cake, marbled cake or any combination of the above for each layer is becoming more and more popular with today's bridal couples.
The chef will, for a small fee per person, take the cake away after the cake cutting ceremony, cut it up and serve it with a delicious swirl of fruit coulis and cream.
Just remember that if you want to go with the tradition of saving the top layer for either the first wedding anniversary or the christening of the first child, you will need to have at least this layer as a fruitcake, because mudcake won't last long in the freezer no matter how nicely you ask it to!!
Another money saving wedding cake tip is to have a smaller, yet beautifully decorated cake for display and for the cake cutting, and have your cake maker make a simple iced slab of the same, called a "kitchen cake" for the chefs to cut and serve along with your display cake. It will save you money, and your guests will never know the difference!
Mmmmm, cake. I think it might be time for a snack...
Virgin Blogger
Yes, 'tis true. Until 12 seconds ago I was a blogging virgin, No longer, it would appear.
Considering I can talk non-stop hour hours given half a chance, this may well save my poor friends hours of ear-bashing, not to mention considerable phone bills!
Right, now I need to look around a bit and figure out how this place works!
Considering I can talk non-stop hour hours given half a chance, this may well save my poor friends hours of ear-bashing, not to mention considerable phone bills!
Right, now I need to look around a bit and figure out how this place works!
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