Monday, June 9, 2008

Wedding Day Diaries

To sum up the beginning of J&D's wedding day last weekend I think the words "It Rained" would have to come into it.

I was at the wedding reception venue around 10:30am setting out all the place cards, bombonniere etc. and a storm front came through that literally had the roof and windows of the venue rattling and shaking. Zoe (my dedicated assistant) completely lost the plot and insisted on being physically attached to my leg for the duration of the storm, so I kind of gave up on what I was doing and just sat and enjoyed the show for 20 minutes or so.

Once the worst of the thunder had passed and I managed to locate the light switch for the room, we finished up setting out all the final touches and then had to head out to pick up a few other items. I can't believe how flooded the roads were from such a brief downpour! Still, through rain, sun hail etc. as I believe the saying goes...

Once we had the final touches it was back to the reception venue for a final check. Good thing we did, too, because the function staff had just set out all the wrong cutlery for the menu, were missing a place setting on one table and had mysteriously left off water glasses from assorted seats. Hmmmmmmm.

Then it was off to the church for a check that the flowers and bows had survived the night, and that all was well for the ceremony. I had never been to this church before so, once I managed to actually find it, it was a pleasant surprise to see what a beautiful little place it is! There was one stained glass window in particular at the back of the church that was absolutely gorgeous! The bows were all still snugly in place, and flowers looking stunning, so nothing more was needed here.

Fortunately the weather brightened up considerably during the afternoon, so by the time we returned to the reception venue just prior to the pre-dinner drinks, the roads were all dried out. I met the lady who had done all the flowers when I got there - she had just come early to bring the church flowers across to the reception room. I don't envy her that job - those big arrangements are scary to shift!!

Anyway, I waited until the staff had put out all the wine, candles were lit, the background music was playing and the bride's family had arrived and then Miss Z and I were out of there, leaving them to their celebration.

I wasn't even sure if I really needed that final check, but again, was glad I did, as the staff were putting out chilled bottles of white wine on the tables at 5:30pm, with no ice buckets and the guests weren't going to be sitting down until 7:00pm. WT? I don't know about you, but personally I like my white wine COLD, not tepid!

I thank J&D for letting me be a part of their special day, and can't wait to see the pictures! Oh, ok, I guess I can wait until you get back from the honeymoon!!


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